Workforce and education programs need to build their marketing and outreach capacity to garner recognition and funding, keep jobseeker, adult learner and student enrollments full and engage employers and partners within their unique markets. However, traditional marketing classes are geared often toward for-profit companies which then lack the much-needed context for workforce and education professionals.
Tap into Full Capacity Marketing´s latest online course that solves your most pressing marketing challenges as a workforce and education professional.
Are you tired of being the best kept secret?
Are your enrollment numbers down?
Do you understand how to cost-effectively recruit underserved and under-represented populations?
Do you lack the marketing staff and resources to attract potential jobseekers and adult learners or engage employers?
Do you know the best way to work with DOL-ETA’s TEGL 03-23 regarding marketing guidelines for WIOA-funded organizations?
The online self-paced course comes with templates, case studies and tools to help you build a tailored and doable marketing and communications plan. Click on the flyer or here to access learning outcomes and descriptions.
Workforce and education practitioners need to build their marketing and outreach capacity to garner much needed recognition and capture their share of funding, keep student enrollments full and engage employers and partners within their unique markets. However, traditional marketing classes are often geared toward for-profit companies which lacks the much-needed context for workforce and education professionals and address our most pressing needs like:
Click on the button below to Register.
FCM is a national consultancy specializing in brand storytelling and strategic communications for those in the workforce, education and entrepreneurship sectors.
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